
Prosperity Algorithm – Jason Fladlien

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Prosperity Algorithm – Jason Fladlien

Prosperity Algorithm – Jason Fladlien . It’s hard to be “at ease” if you’re not living authentically. And the opposite of ease is dis-ease. And dis-ease becomes disease without purpose.

File Size – 10.23 GB .

Prosperity Algorithm - Jason Fladlien

Session 1

A Prosperous Purpose

It’s hard to be “at ease” if you’re not living authentically. And the opposite of ease is dis-ease. And dis-ease becomes disease without purpose.

Lack of purpose leads to increases in heart attacks, strokes, premature death, and a whole host of mental illnesses.

With purpose, all things are endurable, and prosperity is possible. In this session you’ll discover:

  • The “flirt with purpose” exercise to immediately up-level your life quality
  • The “mini Einstein” exercise to get more joy out of each hour of your day
  • How to use “linguistic judo” to better shape your actions to your purpose
  • The concept of micro-purposes to get results while you work out your true purpose
  • The MEGA MODEL – the ultimate purpose-un convering exercise is now at your fingertips
  • How to tap into purpose hall-of-famers to draw inspiration to your own purpose
  • The biggest mistake people make when trying to find their purpose (and what to do instead)
  • The 10 sources of purposes (at least one of these will make the world more right for you)


The Structure of Freedom

Freedom is not a lack of structure. Nor is structure a lack of freedom. These forces must coexist in harmony if you want prosperity. This session shows you how. You’ll discover:

  • Zone thinking vs. binary thinking (Most people do one of these and suffer. Do the other and prosper.)
  • A simple question that, once you answer it, will give you a clue on what you can immediately do to gain an instant surge in prosperity
  • Why modern society now makes it impossible to enjoy true prosperity without doing this
  • The 4 areas of your life you must put conscious structure around (without it, you’ll feel the world is chaotic and spinning out of control)
  • The power of micro-rouines and how to use it to re-wire current behavioral limitations into more empowering actions
  • What “cognitive load” is and how to offload it so you can be happier while thinking less
  • The value of “schemas” and why it may be the single greatest advantage you can have for thriving in the modern world
  • The “folding up” method to get big results quicker than many think possible
  • Why you should intentionally schedule chaos (you’ll love this psychological hack!)
  • How to make it so natural that the right resources become available to you at the right time in the right amount (a game changer!)
  • Why will power is not a factor in your prosperity or success (sorry, it’s not YOU)
  • Structure hacking and how you can make even putting on your socks and shoes supercharge your prosperity (sneaky and weird and oh-so-effective)


Adaptivity & Flexibility

If you want to thrive, you must be able to act assertively with incomplete and contractive information. In this session, we show you exactly how to do that. You’ll discover:

  • The three-word phrase to use to magnetize you to what you want, and exactly how to get it
  • The most common “bugs” your brain has, and how to re-write the “code” of your brain so your operate in prosperity instead of in scarcity
  • The only three things you need to consider in order to adapt to prosperity (want a better result? It always involves one of these three things!)
  • The curse of knowledge, and a simple exercise to sidestep this trap which keeps most people unhappy (and greatly disrupts their relationships)
  • 4 cognitive distortions that likely dominate your life right now and keep you from getting what you want
  • 11 powerful “reframes” and why knowing these is key to your happiness (it’s less what happens to you and more about the types of meaning you attach to it)
  • How to gain rapport with yourself (which is more important than trying to gain rapport with others!)
  • The “%” exercise, and how it can break you free from ruts and limiting beliefs that otherwise would put a lid on your prosperity

This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.


Tenacious Persistence

Show me a hero and I’ll show you persistence. When you pair purpose with the proper type of persistence, miracles can become reality, which is what this session is about. Here you’ll discover:

  • Dimensionalizing” persistence… how this one exercise can make all the difference from turning procrastination into unstoppable action
  • The five questions to ask yourself to unlock a near infinite about of potential to put forth into any project and endeavor you wish to pursue
  • The “inner eye” strategy to know exactly how persistence can manifest for you – do this and you’ll find many previously near-impossibles become now effortless.
  • How to pair self-compassion wih persistence to blast through obstacles that would otherwise prevent you from reaching your dreams
  • Turning compulsions into magical forces of achievement; what you used to think was weakness may actually become your greatest strengh
  • How to tap into the latent energy of distraction and transform it into prosperity

This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.

“Often it is tenacity, not talent, that rules the day.”

Julia Cameron

“Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”

James A. Michener

“It’s not the length of my stride. It’s the fact that I’m walking.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough


The Virtues of Adversity

Most of us have experienced major trauma in our lives… yet few of us are taught how to heal our traumas. Fewer still learn how to turn trauma into prosperity – which is what you’ll discover with this session. You’ll find out:

  • Why we’re self-programmed to play the role of a victim… and how to re-pattern this survival instinct and turn it into a thriving-instinct
  • What the Trauma-Cycle is and how to break free from it, so your past no longer limits your future
  • A daily adversity we all face that, unbeknownst to most of us, places such a burden upon us that it makes it hard to just get through the day (and how to easy it is to set this burden aside so it no longer weighs you down)
  • How to break the VICTIM-STATE and replace it with the FLOW-STATE. Within each adversity is opportunity, and here is how you seize yours
  • Why you should leave behind labels such as good/bad and positive/negative and step into these prosperity labels instead
  • One question you can always ask yourself to improve your mood and enhance your prosperity
  • The key difference between your brain’s frontal lobe and the amygdala, and why it has everything to do with whether you rule the day or it rules you
  • The one thing you must do every time you experience “failure” – do this and you can “fail” your way into prosperity
  • You can re-write the past; and how you must if you want to achieve ultimate prosperity
  • The single biggest lever for turning adversity into prosperity (and one of the most major life lessons that most people are never taught)

This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.


Strategic Leverage

You can get way more out of what you already have. This session will show you how. Specifically, you’ll discover:

  • The ten-word sentence that can completely change your life (you’ll see prosperity that almost everyone else tends to overlook)
  • How to use fear, chaos and lack of confidence in a way that actually serves you, instead of having it hold you prisoner against what you want
  • The “Ultilisation Method” that makes stepping stones out of stumbling blocks
  • The positive double-bind technique: how to set up situations where even when you “lose” you actually win
  • The relativity-hack and how you can use it to make anything either significant or infinitesimal
  • How to “start where you’re at” – the reason most fail is they don’t like where they want to go with where they currently are!

This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.

“Music happens between the notes.”

Claude Debussy

“If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you never tried before.”

Mae West

“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

“To be a successful person you often have to create a strong foundation with the bricks others throw at you.”

Rod Judkins


Wonderful Unfairness

Most people wish and want for things to be fair and don’t realize how disastrous that is to their happiness and wellbeing. The seeds of prosperity can’t be planted in the soil of unfairness. Here, you’re shown what to do instead. Specifically you’ll discover:

  • How much more you can accomplish when you unburden yourself of unfairness (and how to go about doing so!)
  • A three-word phrase that can immediately take the sting out of any challenging situation (and eventually allow you to find the path to prosperity through every day, normal interactions)
  • How to apply the 80/20 beyond just productivity (laser-point it at prosperity and see how it’s so unfair that you can, in weeks, get what takes most others years!)
  • What an “ecology check” is and how it can liberate you from the pressure and stress that get in the way of YOU being the best YOU that YOU can be
  • 6 common words you should never ever use again (don’t think them much less speak them)
  • The magic of BINDING so that when something “bad” happens to you, immediately two good things happen to you.

This session is available to download in audio format and is accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides as well as an exercise.

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size chest(in.) waist(in.) hips(in.)
XS 34-36 27-29 34.5-36.5
S 36-38 29-31 36.5-38.5
M 38-40 31-33 38.5-40.5
L 40-42 33-36 40.5-43.5
XL 42-45 36-40 43.5-47.5
XXL 45-48 40-44 47.5-51.5


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